Vaginal Care, Feminine Care, Vagina Talk, Kitty Care 101, Mink Kitty Coat, Self Care

If A Vagina Could Talk 🤔

“Oooh chile that tissue is not the business 😖 I smell the ocean breeze and it’s going to throw me all off balance in a day or two. Ewww….why is it wet? 😳 I’m wet enough, don’t need any fancy wet tissues help. Yesssss shower time, I prefer that your gentle hands clean me, a towel doesn’t get to the nitty gritty that needs the most attention. Ouch, be careful with that 🪒 girl, you cut my labia last time and it took forever to recover. Throw that thing out, it’s full of old hair and bacteria. Nooooooo, not the 🔴 panties, cute but the dye and my lovely juices don’t mix well together, you know I’m sensitive. Can you breathe in these tight 👖? I sure can’t! Tight jeans only cause friction and a lot of sweat, and you know what that creates? Yeast! I don’t feel like being itchy and full of cream. 🥴

Sorry, at times I have to self clean, nothing to worry about but next time grab a no scent panty liner so you won’t ruin your pretty panties with my juices. Do you smell that? Smells like a bunch of green onions 🙊. It’s annoying to me too. Please don’t drown me with baby powder or that fruity aerosol spray that’s not safe for either of us. As if I’m not complex enough! I deliver babies up to 10 lbs, and let’s not talk about the stitches I have to endure because I’m too small for all of that. I bleed once a month, smelling like fresh ground beef for 3 to 7 days – and on top of that, having things stuffed in me to catch the blood and possibly get some crap called toxic shock syndrome. 😩 Then this rough friction that I feel when you’re having sex that changes my form and elasticity. He should’ve wore a condom, sis, he’s alkaline and you’re acidic, now my Flora is upset and this could mean a case of Bacteria Vaginosis 💊. Then here comes that dang bottle of water full of vinegar that washes away everything that I have accumulated to keep myself protected from outside stuff 🤷🏾‍♀️. To the 👩🏾‍🔬 we go! Geesh does that mascara looking brush have to go so far and take those cold duck lips out before something collapses. Bedtime! No panties tonight please, I need to breathe after this long day.”

It takes trial and error to really get to know your kitty but once you do, watch out now because you two can conquer the world, LITERALLY! 👑🐱🌎

Peace. Love & Kitty Magic!

Mecca Lasha ❤️

Self love

If you don’t find yourself in Him, you’ll lose yourself to him


It’s so easy to get caught up in meaningless relationships with men who aren’t looking for more than getting their needs fulfilled while leaving you feeling empty. You go above and beyond to show him that you’re that “ride or die” chick. But does he notice or even appreciate your loyalty? You say to yourself and maybe to him when he doesn’t come through when he promises “I’m the best woman you’ll ever have.” But does he hear you? Sweetie, you can say all the words in the dictionary – that’s not going to change his feelings or actions towards you. Words without action only shows him that he can continue to misbehave without any consequences or accountability.

If you haven’t allowed God to show you who you are in Him, it’ll be difficult to show or tell a man how you deserve to be treated. The virtuous woman respected and honored her husband and his heart fully trusted in her. Guess why? In order to respect a man, you first have to respect yourself. This means having standards and boundaries. Her life wasn’t all about him, it was about Him. Her goal was to do what was pleasing to God. When you live a purpose driving life to please God, it would be difficult for anybody to come in and change the trajectory of who you are. When you want to say yes to an obvious no, it would be a an internal battle because your first thought would be does this please Him or him. Sweetie, I’m not just talking about sexually but also mentally. A man couldn’t run any type of game on you because your intuition (spirit) would be aware that it would keep you alert of nonsense or manipulation. Your confidence of who you are wouldn’t allow you to settle for anyone that doesn’t see your worth or treat you with respect.

Sweetie, only Jesus was perfect, so this isn’t about perfection but being so grounded in Him that a man can’t help but to adore and honor the virtue in you – and if he doesn’t, that’s not the man for you. Bless him with the gift of “when you go, don’t forget to leave.” In my Phylicia Rashad voice! 🤣

Proverbs 31:29-31

29 “Many women do noble things,
but you surpass them all.”
30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
31 Honor her for all that her hands have done,
and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.

Love & blessings,

Mecca Lasha ❤️❤️