Dating, Marriage, Self esteem, Self love, self-care., Single Christian Women, Single women, vaginal care

Who Run The World? VAGINAS!!

Kitty, vajajay, whoo-ha, poom poom, coochie, beaver, taco, honey-pot, P word, or thang (my grams name for it). Whatever you may call it, she needs extra love, quality time & attention. You can’t just slap any product down there and hope it sticks. God created it to clean itself internally (stop douching) but what about the external care? It needs more than aerosol spray, soap & powder. It needs AIR! 🌬. The daily friction that comes from tight jeans or them cute little panties causes sweat production that turns into bad bacteria. Now here comes the yeast infection and ingrown hair bumps 😩. The Kitty also needs its own soap because body soaps have ingredients that can be a little too harsh for that sensitive area. Compare the skin of your arm and Kitty, Chile…the skin is different! 🤣

For my loves that still shave, that’ll be me 🙋🏾‍♀️! Waxing hurts and I’m not too comfortable with laser treatments, what if I lose sensation in an area that would change my life. I know I’m dramatic, 🤣. Do you have a daily regimen to prevent and treat razor bumps, burns and hyperpigmentation (discoloration), which is also known as excessive melanin production? Ladies, it’s not safe practice to shave over those conditions without allowing time for your skin to heal and regenerate new skin cells because doing so can cause bacteria to grow and the area becomes inflamed or infected. You don’t want that.

That’s the main reason that I created Mink Kitty Coat, a company that provides organic vaginal products for the external (mon pubis) area. We have an Organic Vaginal Balm for women like us who shave and genuinely care about what we subject our kitty to. It has natural ingredients to resolve inflammation, discoloration and bacteria. Oh and maintain that sweat causing odor. You never have to wonder about any adverse reaction, unless you’re not following the directions or are allergic to the listed ingredients, in which you can pronounce and identify without googles help.

Until next time….

Love & Blessings

– Mecca Lasha ❤️❤️

Self love

If you don’t find yourself in Him, you’ll lose yourself to him


It’s so easy to get caught up in meaningless relationships with men who aren’t looking for more than getting their needs fulfilled while leaving you feeling empty. You go above and beyond to show him that you’re that “ride or die” chick. But does he notice or even appreciate your loyalty? You say to yourself and maybe to him when he doesn’t come through when he promises “I’m the best woman you’ll ever have.” But does he hear you? Sweetie, you can say all the words in the dictionary – that’s not going to change his feelings or actions towards you. Words without action only shows him that he can continue to misbehave without any consequences or accountability.

If you haven’t allowed God to show you who you are in Him, it’ll be difficult to show or tell a man how you deserve to be treated. The virtuous woman respected and honored her husband and his heart fully trusted in her. Guess why? In order to respect a man, you first have to respect yourself. This means having standards and boundaries. Her life wasn’t all about him, it was about Him. Her goal was to do what was pleasing to God. When you live a purpose driving life to please God, it would be difficult for anybody to come in and change the trajectory of who you are. When you want to say yes to an obvious no, it would be a an internal battle because your first thought would be does this please Him or him. Sweetie, I’m not just talking about sexually but also mentally. A man couldn’t run any type of game on you because your intuition (spirit) would be aware that it would keep you alert of nonsense or manipulation. Your confidence of who you are wouldn’t allow you to settle for anyone that doesn’t see your worth or treat you with respect.

Sweetie, only Jesus was perfect, so this isn’t about perfection but being so grounded in Him that a man can’t help but to adore and honor the virtue in you – and if he doesn’t, that’s not the man for you. Bless him with the gift of “when you go, don’t forget to leave.” In my Phylicia Rashad voice! 🤣

Proverbs 31:29-31

29 “Many women do noble things,
but you surpass them all.”
30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
31 Honor her for all that her hands have done,
and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.

Love & blessings,

Mecca Lasha ❤️❤️

Dating, Divorce, Love, Marriage, Past Hurt, Relationship, Save my marriage, Self esteem, Single Christian Men, Single Christian Women, Single women

Girl, Take That Ring Off!

Yes, that ring is gorgeous but it could be very ugly in disguise! I’m sorry ladies but I have to say this based on my experience, when he put that ring on my finger I changed immediately! From beauty to beast. He stopped being my knight in shining armor and became my highest expectation. Of course we had a great honeymoon period, all smiles, hugs, kisses, compliments and a lot of mushy stuff! However, it was over quickly because the expectations begin to take precedent when I start focusing on what I wanted and thought he should change. I became this person that I stopped recognizing, although I never disrespect my husband, my demands were high and insecurities were in full effect.

You see, this is my 2nd marriage and I can admit that back then I had no clue on how to be a wife and what was expected of me. Not to mention, God was nowhere in that marriage. I prayed for me and not for us. I changed my last name and I felt that was more than enough!  I didn’t like sharing my money or thoughts. I felt extremely defensive and guarded. I refused to be vulnerable because I knew he would consider that as a weakness and walk all over me. So I developed a “I don’t give a care” attitude. To make a verrrry long story short, we were not as one but apparently separate people residing together. We operated as roommates and not as husband and wife.

I told myself that my next marriage would be based on biblical principles and wisdom. No more worldly stuff. I remained single for 4 years, and during this time I read books, attended seminars, and meditated daily on everything “self help.” I became a walking reference guide. Haha!

All this wisdom was great but somehow I got amnesia because the material went straight out of the window when I said “I do.” I started walking in fear and not faith. I was so afraid of not being the perfect wife and making past mistakes. I start overthinking errrrrrthang! Lol. He would say yes and I would articulate that as “I’m only saying yes because I’m not courageous enough to say no.” Hot mess right? But before we were married, his word was never questioned. I trusted what he said and took it at face value. No questions what-so-ever! Girl, I was dissecting his words and actions! It was becoming really miserable for us both. Until one day my awesome husband told me “If we keep going this route baby, we’re not going to make it.” That truth crushed me but also set me free.

I finally put God in His rightful place and asked him what the heck was my problem. Now, at this point I needed help and fast. He told me that “He doesn’t owe you anything but you owe him My love and grace.” From that day forward my mission was to stop looking at my needs and focused on his and what God expected from me. There were challenges because the flesh is weak but the spirit is willing. I had to realize that before I put that ring on, I was focused on loving him, as is. I had no unrealistic expectations because I simply adored everything about him. Marriage convoluted my love and enhanced my fear of failing.

So when I say take the ring off ladies, I’m coming from a place of doing a heart check. Have you become so concerned with your own needs, that you forgot about him? If he chose you to be his wife, it was because you loved him (good, bad & ugly). Don’t stop now!! If he has changed a little, it’s probably because you have but no worries, he will be won by your good behavior. Trust me, but if you don’t, just ask my husband :-). We good over here. 😁

– Mecca Lasha ❤️❤️

Love, Marriage, Relationship, Single, Single Christian Women, Single women

Let Him Man-Up Sis….

Girl, It’s so easy for us to fall into this toxic behavior in our relationship of “what you doing, where you going, where you been, pick this up, you never do this, you never do that or you always do this or you always do that.” This is how a mother relates to her son! Demanding and controlling. There’s no way a relationship can survive where there is nagging and complaining. If you’re going to treat him like your son, go all the way. Love him blindly and show him the same mercy you would show your son as well! Unconditional and forgiving. Don’t discriminate. 😉

I know there’s some behavior that a man may exhibit that’s childlike – he’s so accustomed to his mom being available to resolve anything he felt was too major or even minor. So when he gets in a committed relationship he may be expecting you to walk in them same shoes – to a certain extent. Which I’m sure you had no problem with being his personal problem solver before things got serious. Now his dependence on you is getting on your last nerves and you’re starting to see the little boy in him, which looks weak and incompetent. Not attractive. Guess what, the momma role you play is in his life is not attractive to him as well.

I can remember when I had this same issue in the honeymoon stage of my marriage. I was trying to control his every move or action that I felt was wrong or risky. Sis, instead of me allowing him to learn from his own mistakes, I thought I knew what was best and inserted my opinion and doubt whenever possible. Eventually he stopped sharing his ideas and thoughts with me because he was tired of hearing my “motherly” responses. I didn’t blame him one bit. Honey, I started reading books and listening to sermons to figure out how to be his lover, wife and friend again because before we were married – I was all that and much more. This one sermon I was listening to from Bishop Jakes, he said something that stuck with me ”If you don’t stop manning up, he won’t never have to and will remain a grown boy.” Immediately, I gradually stopped enabling him by saying no and ”you got this baby”. Yep, there were a few tantrums but it passed!

No more washing his cloths, paying his credit card bills, making his doctor appointments, cleaning up his mess, buying his cloths….you get the point. The biggest independence I provided was allowing him to spend his money that he works hard for as he chooses, after he pays his portion of the household expenses. Get this, I don’t know how much he makes….not my concern. He’s a grown man, I don’t need his entire check and then what, turn around and issue him an allowance. No way. I make my own money. Nothing in the Bible says this is a requirement, the virtuous woman had her own identity, income and investments (this is another blog). I’ll stop right there. But I’ll say this, me letting go changed the entire trajectory of our marriage. I liked him again and he enjoyed having me in his space. 🤣

If you make him feel like a man, he’ll rise to the occasion. It’s in him. Stop worrying about if you stop doing everything, will he still need you. Yes he will, especially if he knows that you respect him. That’s all that he needs, your respect, trust and the lover in you. He was created to provide and protect, be his help – mate by helping him in areas that he can’t do himself.

Mecca Lasha ❤️❤️

Proverbs 21:9

Better to dwell in a corner of a housetop,

Than in a house shared with a contentious woman.

Proverbs 27:15-16

A nagging wife is like the dripping

    of a leaky roof in a rainstorm.


Stopping her is like trying to stop the wind.

    It’s like trying to grab olive oil with your hand